The Frontlines of Conservation - with Tom Opre

Tom Opre is a renowned figure in the world of wildlife conservation and media.

Tom Opre is a renowned figure in the world of wildlife conservation and media. As a film director, cinematographer, television producer, and past president of the Professional Outdoor Media Association, Tom has dedicated his life to educating the public about the crucial intersection of wildlife conservation and stewardship.

Tom has had an extraordinary journey, from producing award-winning television shows, like the highly acclaimed "Eye of the Hunter" on NBC Sports, to directing feature documentaries. Tom's commitment extends beyond the camera. As the executive director of Shepherds of Wildlife Society, he is at the forefront of global wildlife conservation efforts, advocating for sustainable habitat stewardship and raising awareness through his work on various non-profit boards, including African Children’s Schools.

Up next

Big Pharma to The Front Lines of Fire - A Journey of Transformation and Healing with Kara Henning

Kara Henning is a former pharmaceutical sales rep who transformed her life in the wake of a mental health crisis while in the middle of Covid 19.

Series episodes

Brian, Fred, and Catherine - The Fight Over Forced Vaccinations in the Canadian Forces
Brian, Fred, and Catherine - The Fight Over Forced Vaccinations in the Canadian Forces
Barry Minkow - A Journey from Fraud to Fraud Fighter
Barry Minkow - A Journey from Fraud to Fraud Fighter
James Arthur and Bersabeh Ray - From Rock Bottom to Redemption
James Arthur and Bersabeh Ray - From Rock Bottom to Redemption
Michael Montoya - I Left my Foot in Ukraine
Michael Montoya - I Left my Foot in Ukraine
Dustin Diefenderfer - Beyond the Summit and Shaping Lives through MTNTOUGH
Dustin Diefenderfer - Beyond the Summit and Shaping Lives through MTNTOUGH

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