Full Auto Friday - Round 114

Rapid Fire Q and A to finish off the week:

Rapid Fire Q and A to finish off the week:

1.  As a teacher, how do I teach our youth about the history of our country, specifically issues like the treatment of Native Americans and slavery without them feeling disgraced and unwilling to engage in our political process

2.  What is the best round and pistol for CCW, in your experience

3.  Why in the hell would you get married more than once

4.  What episodes have I enjoyed creating the most, which ones were the most difficult or frustrating


Up next

Full Auto Friday - Round 113

Rapid Fire Q and A to finish off the week:

Series episodes

Courage, Heartbreak, and Border Realities
Courage, Heartbreak, and Border Realities
Dudley - Aim True and Give Back
Dudley - Aim True and Give Back
Inner Battles and Global Shadows
Inner Battles and Global Shadows
When the Mirror Lies
When the Mirror Lies
Integrity, Tech, and Border Security
Integrity, Tech, and Border Security

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