Full Auto Friday - Round 105 with Nelson Grant

Normally, Fridays are for rapid fire Q and A. Today I am joined by my good friend Nelson Grant, and we do in fact answer some Q and A

Normally, Fridays are for rapid fire Q and A.  Today I am joined by my good friend Nelson Grant, and we do in fact answer some Q and A, but we also discussed all things law enforcement (chasing naked people on meth) and life in general.

1. Divorce...Should I stay in it until my kids are grown, should I move on and prioritize my own health, how do I talk to my kids about this...

2.  I want my husband to quit his job and let me be his sugar mama, please call him out for being a bitch ass about it

3.  Is BJJ really that important, and why did Nelson quit training


Up next

Full Auto Friday - Round 104

Rapid Fire Q and A to finish off the week:

Series episodes

Courage, Heartbreak, and Border Realities
Courage, Heartbreak, and Border Realities
Dudley - Aim True and Give Back
Dudley - Aim True and Give Back
Inner Battles and Global Shadows
Inner Battles and Global Shadows
When the Mirror Lies
When the Mirror Lies
Integrity, Tech, and Border Security
Integrity, Tech, and Border Security

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